Hey there quilters!
Long time, no blog right? Well no blogging means much quilting, and a new puppy and an ear surgery for my daughter and top secret quilting for Quilt market at the end of this month. You can see a bit of the puppy in the background of the picture below. Many many more pictures on Instagram...as well as more quilts.
This first quilt is a Super Nova quilt by my friend and fellow KCMQG member Lori. She took a workshop with
Katie Pedersen and wanted me to quilt it like a super nova. So I did. I looked up Super Nova pictures on the Internet and went from there.
I was a bit intimidated by this quilt. I am not going to lie. I knew I wanted radiating lines from the center. Even though my long arm machine is really big and with a 31 inch quilting neck, I couldn't make it all the way to the center with the first go. So I didn't. I only went to the first bit of color and radiated from there. I LOVE how it turned out and as soon as I figured it out it basically quilted itself...even though I was actually doing the quilting.
Lori wanted a bit of variegated color thread involved with eh natural linen color thread I also used.
All in all I just adore how this quilt turned out.

The above quilt is a memory quilt made entirely from a man's flannel shirts. I had no idea the pockets with snaps (and really thick seams) would be involved. The quilt was exceptionally pieced but no long arm quilter likes to see buttons or beads or whatnot stitched on the quilts they get to quilt. The thought of my machine crashing into one of the opal snaps and the shattering needle that would be the result or even a broken needle bar is enough to really make me sweat. The plan was to not quilt the pocket blocks. I used my trim feature on my Statler Stitcher to outline what squares I didn't want quilted. It worked out Awesome. It is so nice to get to operate a machine that does EXACTLY what it is supposed to do with no drama at all. I do love my Gammill. I used the Overlapping Crop Circle design for this quilt, it will be so nice and warm. And what a sweet friend to make this quilt out of a beloved man's shirts. It makes me a bit teary.

This was a tricky E2E as well. This quilt was made by my friend Nicole (she has a great little
etsy.com shop too.) It is a chevron quilt with Wizard of Oz fabric. Super cute, right? Well I looked for wizard of oz e2e designs that would look good. But I didn't find any I was wild about. So we decided on a twister design. But the angles of the tornadoes was bizarre, so it looked stupid in the chevrons. So we were still looking...and I had this Aphrodite design that I thought would work well and that is what I used.
Bubbles and feathers look so good together.
So this one turned out good too.
The last project for this blog posting it a quick rope bowl I made for my son's teacher. It is so fun to have a quick but useful project to give. My son picked out the colors and cut them in differing lengths, so he helped with the making too.
OK, have a great day.